Monday, January 18, 2010

Tweet Tweet!

Yup. I'm officially addicted to twitter.

First, i start off with my me2day, which is a korean-self developed kind of twitter with a lot of feature like google map, upload photo, link, this and that. But..due to my very-not-so-fluent korean, im not really into it.

Actually i started Twitter way earlier than my me2day, hm....about one year ago, the time i start to get bored with facebook and try to approach my dance fever for CADC <3
Then, the twitpic loh.....

Now, i extend my hand to TweetDeck! im lovin' it! it can link to my facebook, twitpic and other stuff =)

And we got TwitLonger for those are long-winded.... hahhaha....
Last but not least, korean version of twitter! TwtKr!!! We can vote, google map and more! but still can't fully utilise it yet =(

Begin my journey to pursue Ouran High School Host Club manga, Bleach fanfiction esp Ulquiorra + Orihime!!! and other stuff too.
I wish i can recover totally from this mess, dun like the feeling of *gong gong* everyday.....
Aish, thats all, Ciaosu!

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